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    wild wild 結果共38筆

  • 韓國猛男當場拉觀眾「上床」! 狂野歐巴一展「長」才女粉嗨腿軟

    心臟爆擊!韓國18禁人氣音樂劇《WILD WILD》於5月3日至6日在台北Legacy Max連續演出6場,口碑好評不斷,場場爆滿,台下觀眾皆為之瘋狂!此次以「After Party」為主題,打造全新舞台並設計不同於去年的節目內容,營造歡樂的派對氛圍,不論音樂、燈光或道具,都令人為之一亮,尤其以「床」、「椅子」作為道具,邀請台下觀眾上台來一段火辣演出,讓許多現場女性都嗨到腿軟!
    2024/05/07 11:24
  • 影音/韓猛男秀逆天身材超健美 遇「三代母女粉」喊:拚了

    2024/05/03 13:06
  • 韓國猛男被觀眾撩到發情! 「三代母女丼」讓他拚了:要更賣力

    韓國18禁人氣音樂劇《WILD WILD》帶著全新主題「After Party」來台,5月3日至6日於台北Legacy Max華麗登場。10名成員與本音樂劇的製作人崔理事今(2)天特別接受訪問。猛男秀最辣的精髓就是歐巴們與觀眾們的親密互動,沒想到就有演員坦承真的會因此對觀眾心動!
    2024/05/02 20:06
  • 成年人限定!跟韓國猛男狂歡開趴 《WILD WILD》5月連嗨9場

    千呼萬喚!韓國人氣音樂劇《WILD WILD》繼去(2023)年9月來台演出,好評如潮,現在正式宣布5月將在台北、高雄帶來共9場演出!本次以「After Party」為主題,更打造全新舞台跟18禁演出內容,就要帶女性粉絲們一起進入美好的派對時光,門票也即將在明(20)天開賣!
    2024/03/19 09:00
  • 賭王千金砸千萬搶救!老公大動脈爆裂近況曝 鬆口:還要動手術

    已故澳門賭王何鴻燊千金何超儀,2010年組團「何超與海膽仔(Josie & The Uni Boys)」,以藝名「何超」擔任樂團主唱,今年她首度擔任音樂節召集人,舉辦香港規模最大的搖滾音樂節「The Wild Ones Music Festival」,就連吳彥祖都驚喜現身支持。而她右腳在英國拍戲受傷骨裂,帶傷開唱的她依舊爆發力十足,她的老公陳子聰歷經大動脈爆裂,這次跟著所屬嘻哈團體「廿四味」重回舞台,讓粉絲感動不已。
    2024/03/06 12:29
  • Fisherman lands 102kg grouper, scores big at market

    A Taiwanese fisherman named Su had an extraordinary fishing experience off the coast of Liuqiu, a coral island in the Taiwan Strait. Instead of catching the Spanish mackerel he was targeting, Su managed to reel in a massive 102-kilogram giant grouper. This impressive catch quickly became the center of attention upon Su’s return to port, selling for NT$50,000 at the Huaqiao Fish Market and earning him a substantial windfall. Tseng Yu-tsung, an official with the Liouciou Fishermen’s Association, explained that local fishers typically use largehead hairtail or Japanese jack mackerel as bait to attract Spanish mackerels. While mangrove red snapper and groupers may also bite, encountering a giant grouper of this size is incredibly rare and comparable to winning the jackpot. Pingtung County is known for cultivating giant groupers, but finding wild giant groupers weighing over 100 kilograms in the sea is extremely scarce.
    2024/02/07 12:10
  • Satellite-tagged sea turtle triumphs over tumors in Taiwan

    A green sea turtle, previously afflicted with tumors, was released back into the wild in Taitung’s Shanyuan Bay. Rescued from a fishing net in July 2023, the turtle underwent successful treatment at the National Museum of Biology & Aquarium in Pingtung. Dr. Chen I-chun noted the increasing number of sea turtles with tumors globally, particularly along the eastern coast of Taiwan. Marine pollution or viral infections are suspected causes. The released turtle, the second in Taiwan to recover from a tumor, brings hope for the preservation of marine life.
    2024/01/18 16:16
  • 蜘蛛躲耳內築巢!挖出活蟲還在痛 她見「整坨黑霧」崩潰

    2023/12/29 08:40
  • Formosan black bear rescued, transported for medical care

    A Formosan black bear accidentally trapped in Taichung was rescued and transported to a medical care station in Nantou’s Jiji Township by Taiwan’s Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency. The bear’s right forelimb was caught in a trap, and it was unable to free itself. A team of forest rangers hiked uphill for an hour to reach the bear, and with the assistance of a veterinarian, they successfully released it from the trap and treated its wounds. The incident may be related to the bears moving to lower altitudes due to sudden temperature drops. The agency encourages residents to report any bear intrusions or trapped bears and offers assistance with hunting tools for those in mountain villages facing threats to their crops from wild animals.
    2023/12/27 13:08
  • DPP Lai joins sea turtle release, advocates conservation

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Lai Ching-te attended a marine conservation event in Hengchun Township, where he witnessed healed sea turtles being returned to the ocean. The event, hosted by the Marine Animals Rescue Network (MARN), showcased efforts to rescue and rehabilitate injured marine protected species. MARN has successfully released 393 recovered marine animals back into the wild since its inception four years ago. The Ocean Affairs Council Director-General emphasized the integration of resources to establish MARN, which now operates six stations across Taiwan. This year alone, 23 whales, dolphins, and 163 sea turtles have been released, with seven turtles equipped with satellite transmitters. The rescue efforts have revealed instances of marine debris inside the stomachs of turtles, highlighting the issue of ocean pollution. Lai Ching-te presented letters of appreciation to honor the dedication of the rescue teams. Currently, 11 stranded and injured sea turtles are under care at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. Lai emphasized the importance of a national marine policy and urged the public to actively engage in marine conservation.
    2023/12/02 12:12
  • 最強Outdoor體驗就在高雄 陳其邁到「Wild Wild野生活」 大讚好玩,不想離開!

    誰說露營一定要上山?全台最大戶外野營體驗2023「Wild Wild 野生活」,11月18、19日在高雄衛武營戶外草地展開,兩日活動吸引超過12萬人體驗全台最盛大最特別的城市露營。高雄市長陳其邁昨(19日)特別以Outdoor帥氣裝扮出席活動並表示,高雄秋冬氣候宜人,是冬季最佳旅遊城市,活動也豐富不間斷。這兩天看到網路上許多民眾分享活動體驗心得與美照,非常吸引人;昨天下午特別到衛武營現場體驗直火烤肉料理、參觀露營車及裝備市集、參加一日獵人製作肉醬起司堡等,高雄「Wild Wild 野生活」真的讓人好玩到不想離開!
    2023/11/24 17:56
  • 西城男孩2度訪台!主唱直奔腳底按摩 北流開唱感動全說了

    西洋天團「西城男孩」昨(14)日起一連3晚,在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「Westlife The Wild Dreams Tour Taipei」演唱會,他們今年2月在高雄巨蛋開唱,隨即又在北流舉辦返場,對於1年內2度來台,他們心情相當期待又興奮,其中主唱馬克一下榻飯店就直奔腳底按摩,相當熱愛體驗不同文化。
    2023/11/15 07:15
  • Formosan black bear released to the wild after FNCA’s care

    A Formosan black bear, injured at a coffee plantation in Taiwan, has been released back into the wilderness after four months of intensive care. The bear, named "Da qu-ali" after a Bunun indigenous leader, triggered a trap in July and underwent successful surgery to recover. Weighing 101 kilograms, the bear was deemed fit for reintroduction. Major wildlife conservation organizations participated in the release, which included a divine naming ceremony led by tribe chief Ho Cheng-chung. The Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency used the incident to highlight the importance of wildlife conservation and encouraged local residents to create bear-friendly environments.
    2023/11/14 21:14
  • 可不可紅茶15週年!限時5天「買一送一」 加碼15支新飲品

    可不可熟成紅茶迎接15週年,搶在邁入秋季前推出2023全新菜單,一口氣獻上15支全新飲料、1款主題杯身及2款杯膜,還有全新品牌IP角色、週邊紀念品,9/14起全台門市正式上市,號召粉絲們一起「GO WILD 夠野」。
    2023/09/13 13:13
  • Poisonous mushrooms spring up in Kaohsiung after heavy rain

    Kaohsiung City tackles a sudden influx of poisonous wild mushrooms in its parks following heavy rain. Authorities are working swiftly to eliminate the fungi, identified as potentially harmful "green-spored parasol mushrooms." The public is urged to avoid touching or consuming them due to their toxic effects. Learn about the measures being taken to ensure safety.
    2023/08/18 23:30
  • 歐巴脫給妳看!18禁猛男秀賣光又加場 狂野「肌」情滿足女性幻想

    韓國18禁的成人猛男秀音樂劇WILD WILD《DREAM》先前登台消息一公布,即造成網路上熱烈迴響,粉絲瘋狂留言標記朋友「好康一起看」、「不用飛韓國了耶」,台北限定的75分鐘完整演出,一開賣尊榮VIP座位即搶購一空,粉絲紛紛敲碗再加演!韓國猛男歐巴感謝大家熱情支持,正式宣布9月25日晚間8點加場「女性限定場次」,想看的粉絲絕對別再錯過!
    2023/08/01 19:27
  • 彭佳慧激瘦認舊疾復發「真實體重曝光」 苦嘆:想要增胖

    彭佳慧下月22日將在高雄巨蛋舉辦「25周年 RUN WILD 怎樣」演唱會,今(14)日舉辦媒體見面會,不過7月初她將出席金曲獎頒獎典禮,首度以客語專輯《我在客廳做的夢》角逐金曲最佳客語歌手、最佳客語專輯和年度專輯3大獎項的她,笑說已備好紅毯戰袍,更說「7月大熱天就不要穿太多。」
    2023/06/14 18:07
  • 西城男孩安可場!11月連2天北流開唱 搶票時間曝光

    西城男孩日前在高雄巨蛋開唱,成員Mark Feehily還趁空檔嘗試台灣理髮,頂新髮型登台。他們今天宣布將於11月15日、16日在台北流行音樂中心舉辦The Wild Dreams演唱會。
    2023/05/25 13:39
  • 金曲歌后曬凍齡美肌 預告高雄攻蛋「天王級卡司」助陣

    2023/05/06 18:59
  • Hsinchu wildfire posed threat to surrounding areas

    A mountain fire that ignited on Thursday morning (March 23) on the Dalu Forest Road, a route leading to the Guanwu National Forest Recreation Area, continued to burn as of Friday (March 24) morning. 
    2023/03/26 22:31
  • BLACKPINK剛唱完!金曲歌后也跟進高雄 曝這隱憂催票

    南韓女子天團BLACKPINK才剛走,金曲歌后彭佳慧也將於7月22日前進高雄巨蛋舉辦「25周年 RUN WILD 怎樣」演唱會,這也是她睽違七年再度登高雄巨蛋開唱,此次,不僅會帶來不同於台北場的表演內容,也將透過首首金曲和舞台,展現她無懼而純粹、美麗而勇敢的面貌,同時,她也表示,自己的第一場巨蛋型演出,就是從高雄巨蛋開始,如今能再爭取到機會重返開唱,更顯意義非凡,門票將在3月21日中午12點寬宏售票系統正式啟售。
    2023/03/20 16:19
  • 隔7年重返高雄巨蛋 彭佳慧放話嘉賓「天王中的天王」

    睽違7年,彭佳慧於7月22日將前進高雄巨蛋舉辦「25周年 RUN WILD 怎樣」演唱會,承載著眾人的期盼,彭佳慧感性回應:「這次可以爭取到高雄場次,對我來講真的無比珍貴,我和團隊們都覺得應該要拿出更多誠意,希望給高雄歌迷耳目一新的表演。」
    2023/03/16 18:01
  • 不藏了!彭佳慧鬆口喜訊竟和蜜棗有關 2023年新挑戰曝光

    金曲歌后彭佳慧去(2022)年10月在台北小巨蛋舉辦 「怎樣 Julia / Run Wild」演唱會後,許多南部歌迷也敲碗許願她在高雄開唱,不僅如此,還特地送上聞名全國的蜜棗,要她「棗點來高雄開唱」,今(6)日她終於鬆口喜訊,將於7月22日登上高雄巨蛋。
    2023/03/06 13:07
  • Taipei Zoo strives to keep wild animals warm amid cold spell

    The temperature in Taipei dipped to 7 degrees Celsius over the weekend. And animals in Taipei zoo are also suffering from the cold. 
    2022/12/19 17:36
  • Taiwan leopard cat doing well in wild despite losing one paw

    The Endemic Species Research Institute in central Taiwan treated a famous leopard cat, TVBS reported on Monday (Dec. 12). 
    2022/12/14 15:37
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